September Is National Infant Mortality Awareness Month

September Is National Infant Mortality Awareness Month

BRIDGES is working with National Healthy Start Association to make everyone aware about infant mortality this month. What is Infant Mortality and Why is It Important? Infant mortality is when a baby dies before its first birthday. In 2020, the infant mortality rate...
Growing Up With Vaccines: What Should Parents Know?

Growing Up With Vaccines: What Should Parents Know?

Why Vaccinate? On-time vaccination throughout childhood is essential because it helps provide immunity before children are exposed to potentially life-threatening diseases. Vaccines are tested to ensure that they are safe and effective for children to receive at the...
Back To School: Pedestrian Safety

Back To School: Pedestrian Safety

BRIDGES is focusing on back to school safety. Kids in school buses, children on foot and bikes, harried parents in cars: Back-to-school days bring congestion—and an increase in potential hazards. “This can be a dangerous time because children—as well as drivers—are...
Child Passenger Safety Month Promotes Car Seat Safety For Parents

Child Passenger Safety Month Promotes Car Seat Safety For Parents

Every year during the month of September, Safe Kids coalition members host events across the country to help parents learn how to install and use their car seat correctly. These events are in celebration of National Child Passenger Safety Month, with the biggest focus...