I needed assistance with finding myself and creating balance after loss. That was when I was introduced to Ms. Rita Simmons and Pathways to Prosperity. I joined the Pathway’s to Prosperity BRIDGES Program in June of 2020. BRIDGES has afforded me the opportunity to fellowship with other nationalities. Choosing to participate in the Summer Reading Program and other programs throughout the year has given my son confidence and allowed my daughter to shine in front of peers. I was also asked to teach a lactation course to soon-to-be mothers. This was so special for me, as I am so passionate about new moms and nursing. This was a great opportunity for me and my gratitude for it is immense!

BRIDGES later introduced me to Pathways to Prosperity’s CIRCLES Program, which helps families transition out of poverty. Through CIRCLES I learned how to better manage my money. Budgeting, credit repair and goal setting are only some of the skill sets I have acquired that has changed my future trajectory. I plan to open a salon of my own one day. I also plan to become a multi-homeowner and as I learn the process, teach the process to those in need. I desire to inspire others and really make entrepreneurship realistic for those who think it is not.

When I speak to people about Pathways to Prosperity, I tell them the programs they have, put you and your needs first. The resources they connect you to are endless. The staff is smiling ear to ear at every encounter. I’ve never felt like I had family outside of my own until I became a part of the Pathways to Prosperity family. Now I look forward to seeing them in the office and our random encounters in public, as this is now a mini reunion every time we meet!